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Don't get caught up with the end of Summer Anxiety.....

Namaste and a big hello to all you beautiful souls. I hope you all had a wonderful summer, and gosh it sure was a hot one, for I think pretty much the whole globe experienced a very unusual, exceptionally hot, in fact the hottest summer ever!! Whilst many in pure glory, whilst others didn't share the same opinion.

Most of us can't wait for summer - eating outside, filling up the social calendar to the max, booking dates with family and friends, the hot sun on our skin, traveling, family outings, longer days to enjoy more food, more vino, ice creams and sweet treats, kids staying up later than usual. So we tend to embrace and enjoy - yet for many this is a crazy time. Too hot, too many people, travelling can be very stressful and quite frankly a nightmare, flight delays, weight restrictions, lost luggage, screaming kids, you have over eaten and undone all that hard work throughout the year that the thought of wearing a bikini is horrifying. The kids start getting bored, the weather is crazy hot, we are busier than ever with work , family, life commitments and responsibilities.

So the thought of summer is great, but realistically its damn right exhausting!!

Once the second and or third month of summer holidays kick in, the kids are getting fed up, us as adults are fed up, be it a parent or not, just the hustle and bustle of fully packed car parks, public transport to and from work traffic time has double, house chores double, preparing food and snacks constantly now rules your life. Ok enough already. Your just counting down the days of peace and quiet , wanting your routine to return, and oh ....please rain for the love of god.!! I just can't face another bbq, as for the wine - my poor liver! So this really isn't a message or over view of summer doom and gloom. Without a doubt a big chunk of the holidays I am sure we all had laughter, enjoyment, loved spending quality time with our loved ones. Yet summer vacation especially in Europe is 13 weeks...out of your usual routine.

NOW, summer is coming to an end, - so we change gear getting preparations under way for school, work, gym, back to normality. Another form of energy and slight excitement steps in. The moment you have been waiting for! finally a calmer environment, peace and quiet, less traffic, time for yourself, - then within no time at all - suddenly as the cooler temperature hits, you fear the winter is just around the corner, your social calendar is empty and that sofa and you will become well acquainted for several months. Sadness and yes.....Anxiety, depression, loneliness seems to creep in. Now this isn't for us all, Im fully aware many enjoy autumn, I for one love it. Yet others especially our social butterfly summer lovers its all too much. Coming to an end and watching a new season begin it can be daunting. Isolation, dark darks, nights in with soup after soup, is just not fun. The pressure can be so much - but please don't allow your thoughts to become negative, don't allow this to be a dark time - the seasons are not new to us, it happens every year. Lets be smart about this. Anxiety doesn't have to happen, push it to aside and prepare for autumn walks, embrace the beautiful change of nature, colours, leaves, crisp air, quieter moments to reflect, read, work on yourself, slow down and truly be in the present moment. As you no this season to shall pass. Those darker nights are for movies, hot apple and cinnamon drinks, early nights catching up on all that lost sleep. De clutter your home, organise your desk, print out those family holiday snaps and create albums. Yes some people still do that. Sad but oh so true, i do love a good ole album, oh and writing a diary, which i have now since 1995!! Lets not get distracted here. Oh did I also mention its Vata season so I for one being vata dosha think or do something , don't finish it and start something else. Yes we are now all over the place, no focus, our skin is dryer than ever. OK see now Im talking about something totally different. I shall talk about the season and doshas on another blog. If i forget please remind me.... Anxiety

To wrap up this conversation get busy with organising your home, get creative, embrace you time, enjoy the nature and embrace the crisp cool air, for autumn truly is wonderful with vibrant bursts of colours from oranges, reds, and golds. Love autumn, love yourself, love this moment in time, for it may be your last! sending you all much love and light,

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Anneli x

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